I created this BLOG a long time ago, but I never updated it. Now the BLOG gets visitors from my own websites so I feel a bit embarrased not to update it. Old news are boring! So I give you some new news! The news are....... I am going on holidays! To a greek island called Chios! I am going together with my girlfriend Isha. She is Italian and wants to swim on holidays. It fits me well because even if I am Norwegian, I hate the cold! And guess what else I am going to do on holidays, I am going to read more books! I just ordred the brand new book of Robert Allen and Mark Victor Hansen called "Cracking the millionaire code"(Hopefully i`ll be able to do that after reading the book.) and Robert Kiyosaki`s "Rich dad - Poor dad". The reviews will be ready in the start of july, so visit my website again if you are interested. I am also about to check out a program called "Mind Makeover Magic" so stay in touch to get the news.