Financial Freedom Made Simple Blog

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Saturday, April 08, 2006


Budgeting Tips

Budgeting Tips

To make and follow a budget is a pretty simple task. You need to keep track of all your expenses for at least a month, to get an overview of where your money is spent.
It is important that you keep all receipts for everything you buy, even if it is very small expenses. If you don't get a receipt, write down the amount you spent and keep it for when you do the accounting at the end of the month.
All paid bills and receipts should go in a file where you separate them into different categories.
On the end of the first month you can see what you expenses are and compare with your income. Then you see what category of expenses you can cut down and save money on.
By doing this you can see where your biggest expenses are, and this can be an enlightening experience. Maybe you are spending a lot of money
Read the full article here: Budgeting Tips


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