Financial Freedom Made Simple Blog

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Friday, April 21, 2006


The Feelings Behind

The Feelings Behind
By Oyvind Hennum
To make your emotional awareness grow will benefit you a lot.
People who have a very mental attitude toward everything in their lives will be perceived as just that--very mental.
It is not an attitude that invites happiness and good fortune in your life. People who are working only from the head can often seem very distant and cold. You need to involve emotions in your life.
That will also invite more people into your life, more people mean more energy, and that is a sign that you are able to handle more energy.
You can see your ability to be around people as an advantage in your life because people also represent opportunities for friendship, love, and business and work relationships.
Friendship is the key here because your friends give you support and make you feel that you belong somewhere, even if your new business idea may not be an immediate success.
Being emotionally aware makes it that much easier to approach you, and it makes you generally open toward people. By being emotionally aware, I mean that you are aware how you are feeling. People who live most of their lives from the head are not.
Feelings are usually a.....
Read more here: The Feelings Behind


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