Financial Freedom Made Simple Blog

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Financial Goals

Financial Goals

You will need to make a list of goals of what you would like to achieve with your financial planning.
The best is to write down the financial goals in a list of priorities that are the most important to you, and what is absolutely necessary. This can be goals like paying for education, medical expenses, paying of expensive credit card debts and so on.
These are all important things that will back fire on you if you let them lapse.
Secondary goals would be paying of mortgages and car loans and other debt that is less expensive then consumer debts.
Then you should make a list of your personal goals, everything that you are dreaming of and wish for. Like having longer holidays, buying a new car, playing golf or whatever.
The personal motivation for short term goals are often many times stronger then saving for retirement many years ahead. Saving for retirement is what most people are talking about, but ....
Read more here: Financial Goals


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