Financial Freedom Made Simple Blog

Financial freedom, personal finance, motivational and business books. Financial Freedom

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Financial plan into action

Financial plan into action

Making the plan and getting the overview over your current financial situation is not enough. You need to put the plan into action and follow it up and evaluate it as you go along.
Many things can influence the plan after it has been put into action. Maybe your job situation changes, maybe the overall economic situation changes in your country, like higher interest rates. Maybe the oil and gas price keeps changing.
Maybe you divorce or marry. Maybe your investments suddenly loose all their value!
You can not plan for all of these things, and if you could your life probably would be extremely boring. It is a bit of the beauty that life changes.
You need to be able to change your plan accordingly, so you can still achieve your goals.
Remember that all your efforts in the direction of financial freedom are going to benefit you. Unless you invest all your savings in some crazy pyramid scheme instead of in mutual funds.
You need to learn to be smart, and that means....
Read more: Financial plan into action


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