Financial Freedom Made Simple Blog

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Sunday, April 30, 2006


Review of Think and Grow Rich

Review of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
70 years after the book "Think and Grow Rich" was written, it is still a highly respected and read book. It has sold millions of copies and is a 'bible' for people who are searching financial freedom. The essence of the book is Napoleon Hill's famous statement: "Everything your mind can conceive, you can achieve"
The title says the same, in different words: Think and Grow Rich
The book goes through 'The thirteen steps to riches' according to Napoleon Hill.
The whole book has a underlying tone of  'You can do it!' mentality to motivate you.
The book offers a lot of questionnaires and practical exercises in addition to all the text. It gives you clear ......
To read the rest of the review and get a free pdf version of the book, go here: Free Think and Grow Rich


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