Financial Freedom Made Simple Blog

Financial freedom, personal finance, motivational and business books. Financial Freedom

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


The little money bible

The little money bible by Stuart Wilde
The book by Stuart Wilde called "The little money bible" is a short little book, who gives you the essence of the money philosophy and teachings of Stuart Wilde. He has a lot of passion for the subject of money and he is controversial and untraditional.

I was participating in a seminar with him and I found the way he talks straight forward and humorous. He is also quite provoking, so if you have certain set ideas around money,his books will definitely shake these ideas up. He encourages people to be brave and not to conform to the Tick/Tack society.
Having made and lost a fortune, and made one again, he is someone who knows what he is talking about. The Little Money Bible covers the 10 laws of money and Abundance. It is a spiritual, psychological and practical book which.......
Read the full review here: Stuart Wilde


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