Financial Freedom Made Simple Blog

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Saturday, May 06, 2006


Motivational Audio Program Reviews

Motivational Audio Program Reviews
In this article you will find reviews of different motivational audio programs. Currently there are only two reviews, but this section will continue to grow. I am a fan of audio programs myself and I have been using them a lot. A few years back I started to listen to self-help tapes and it was a great help.
You can use your time more effectively if you listen to audio programs. A great example is the time you spend in your car, or the time you are using to do simple tasks in your job. If you have the kind of work where you can let the radio on with music all day, you could consider playing a motivational or educational program instead.
The average person spends between 500 to 1000 hours in their car each year, which is the equivalent of 3 to 6 months of 40-hour work weeks. If you would use some of this time to educate yourself, you will have a great advantage in gaining financial freedom.
You get audio programs in different forms; MP3's, CD's and tapes. Personally my favorite is MP3's because they are instantly accessible. CD's and tapes needs to shipped, so that adds to the cost and takes time. But if you like to get CD's, the two CD's reviewed here you can get for free, as long as you pay the Shipping and Handling costs.
Read the reviews here: Motivational Audio Program Reviews


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