Financial Freedom Made Simple Blog

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Friday, May 05, 2006


RSS explained What is RSS?

RSS explained - What is RSS?
In this article you will get RSS explained in a really simple way.
You have probably seen the orange RSS or XML buttons on different sites, and wondered what they are for.
RSS means "Really Simple Syndication". That probably says nothing to you, but don't worry. RSS is just a very simple way of letting website owners or others who are publishing RSS feeds communicate with you.
It is simpler than email, because you do not have to go to your inbox and open your mail. Your RSS reader gets the message, when I have made new pages or updates, and you can choose if you want to read them or not.
What your advantage is as an end user is that you are totally in control of the feeds you are subscribing to.
Spam is eliminated because .........
Read the full article here: RSS explained - What is RSS?


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