Financial Freedom Made Simple Blog

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006



To focus on how to achieve total financial freedom, visualisation techniques can be very helpful. Not just once in a while imagining and dreaming of where you want to be, but making it a regular practise every day.
The techniques are simple and easy to follow; you only need some persistence to keep on doing them.
To start with; picture yourself where you really would like to be in your life. Picture yourself in an ideal situation. How would it look? Would you have a lot of money, a big house, and a nice car? Or maybe you have a specific goal that you would like to achieve, like a certain job in a certain company.
Maybe you even want to be the successful owner of your own business.
Make that picture very clear in your mind, and keep focusing on it. To help you keep your focus and to remind your self of your goal, you can make picture cards. Cut out pictures from magazines that represent your goals and stick them on a carton frame. Take a picture of yourself and include it on the same frame. This picture frame you hang on a place where you can see it often.
The same you can do with your goals in writing, write them on..........
Read the full article here: Visualization


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