Success Quotes
Welcome to this article of success quotes, famous statements that will make you wiser!
Many years ago, a large American shoe company sent two sales representatives out to different parts of the Australian outback to see if they could drum up some business among the Aborigines. Some time later, the company received telegrams from both agents.
The first said, "No business here . . . natives don't wear shoes."
The second one said, "Great opportunity here . . . natives don't wear shoes!"
(John M. Capozzi)
Plan ahead: It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark!
Success is a ladder that can not be climbed with your hands in your pockets
Success is getting up just one more time than you fall down.
Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You have got to set your self on fire for it. (Anon)
Success is relative - the more success, the more relatives.
Success of today resulted from the failure of yesterday.
Under capitalism man exploits man. Under socialism it's just the opposite. (Anon)
We spent our whole youth to obtain wealth and our whole wealth to obtain youth.
What some people mistake for the high cost of living, is really the cost of living high.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Build a website
Build a website
If you find the Internet interesting and want to know a bit more about how you can build a website without any previous computer knowledge, then take 5 minutes and let me tell you how I could do it.
I am using an all in one site building tool that is called Site Build It! (SBI) SBI enabled me to build a website that looks professional without having to know anything about website building from before.
The only knowledge I needed was to be able to use an internet browser like Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla, Firefox etc. and how to read e-mail.
When I first started to use SBI, 4 months ago, I had no idea on how to build a website. I started to read the handbook of SBI , and I thought "WOW!, I would have paid the....
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Free webmaster resources
Free webmaster resources
In this article you will be shown where you can find free webmaster resources that can help you build and run your website more effectively.
All the tools are free to use except the ones that are marked with paid resources.
There is also included a list of 202 article directories you can submit articles to.
As know, article submission is a great way of gaining inbound links and getting targeted traffic.
Soon to come is an even longer list of web directories where you can add your link for free.
There are some great free e-books on different subjects of site building and marketing.
To go to the page of resources, click here: Free webmaster resources
Friday, May 19, 2006
Money Jokes Financial Jokes
Money Jokes | Financial Jokes
A woman proudly told her friend, "I'm responsible for making my husband a millionaire." "Well what was he before he married you?" the friend asked. "A billionaire."
Washington, D. C.
A tour guide was showing a tourist around Washington, D. C. The guide pointed out the place where George Washington supposedly threw a dollar across the Potomac River. "That's impossible," said the tourist. "No one could throw a coin that far!" "You have to remember," answered the guide. "A dollar went a lot farther in those days."
Graduation Day
It was graduation day and Mom was trying to take a picture of their son in a cap and gown, posed with his father. "Let's try to make this look natural" she said. "Junior, put your arm around your dad's shoulder." The father answered, "If you want it to look natural, why not have him put his hand in my pocket?"
The Stock Report
Helium was up. Feathers were down. Paper was stationary. Knives were up sharply. Pencils lost a few points. Hiking equipment was trailing. Elevators rose, while escalators continued a slow decline. Light switches were off. Mining equipment hit rock bottom. Diapers remained unchanged. Shipping lines stayed at an even keel. Balloon prices were inflated. And batteries exploded in an attempt to recharge the market.
A dollar per point
A professor was giving a big test one day to his students. He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait. Once the test was over the students all handed the tests back in. The professor noticed that one of the students had attached a $100 bill to his test with a note saying "A dollar per point." The next class the professor handed the graded tests back out. This student got back his test, his test grade, and $64 change.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Self inquiry
Self inquiry
If you want to learn how to achieve total financial freedom,it will benefit you to ask yourself the following three questions:
1. What is my motivation for wanting to achieve total financial freedom?
2. Why is it so difficult for me to achieve it?
3. How can I make it easier?
Write down all negative thoughts and associations concerning money, wealth and abundance.
Use some time and really let yourself feel and think and make sure you write it down. It's OK if you write things twice, just write what comes into your mind without judging it.
When you have written everything down, take a good look at all your negative thoughts and try to find out where they came from, and why you took them.
This is not to judge what has happened to you in the past. To be resentful and find someone to blame for your negative thought patterns will not bring you anywhere.
This is for you to become aware of how you are thinking about money and wealth. It is a first step in changing. You cannot jump over and skip this subject. It will just fire back on you at another time. Ideas and thoughts which get suppressed and blocked out will.........
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
To focus on how to achieve total financial freedom, visualisation techniques can be very helpful. Not just once in a while imagining and dreaming of where you want to be, but making it a regular practise every day.
The techniques are simple and easy to follow; you only need some persistence to keep on doing them.
To start with; picture yourself where you really would like to be in your life. Picture yourself in an ideal situation. How would it look? Would you have a lot of money, a big house, and a nice car? Or maybe you have a specific goal that you would like to achieve, like a certain job in a certain company.
Maybe you even want to be the successful owner of your own business.
Make that picture very clear in your mind, and keep focusing on it. To help you keep your focus and to remind your self of your goal, you can make picture cards. Cut out pictures from magazines that represent your goals and stick them on a carton frame. Take a picture of yourself and include it on the same frame. This picture frame you hang on a place where you can see it often.
The same you can do with your goals in writing, write them on..........
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
The Financial Freedom Online Blog
The Financial Freedom Online Blog
The Financial Freedom Online Blog and the RSS feed gives you the latest updates from Subscribe to the RSS feed and the newsletter and you will be brought the latest news on financial freedom and personal finance. The Financial Freedom Online Blog is a part of the the main site.
Monday, May 15, 2006
I will now introduce you to the concept of EQ,- Emotional Intelligence
EQ is an important part of your road to success. You would not be able to experience different feelings like joy and satisfaction, without having any form of emotional intelligence. You would not be able to discriminate between good and bad feelings and why they occur.
Emotional intelligence is the ability of making conscious choices of thoughts, feelings, and actions when relating with yourself and others. It is essential in your relationships with your family, friends and colleagues.
According to the psychological definition , there is 5 different characteristics who defines Emotional Intelligence:
1. Self-awareness--knowing your emotions, recognizing feelings as they occur, and discriminating between them
2. Mood management--handling feelings so they're relevant to the current situation and you react appropriately
3. Self-motivation--"gathering up" your feelings and directing yourself towards a goal, despite self-doubt, inertia, and impulsiveness
4. Empathy--recognizing feelings in others and tuning into their verbal and nonverbal cues
5. Managing relationships--handling interpersonal interaction, conflict resolution, and negotiations
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Motivational Quotes
Motivational Quotes
The motivational quotes are pearls of wisdom and "Golden nuggets",that can motivate you on your way to financial freedom.
In God we trust, all others must pay cash.
American Saying
"If God only gave me a clear sign; like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank."
Woody Allen.
Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.
Woody Allen
Organized crime in America takes in over forty billion dollars a year and spends very little on office supplies.
Woody Allen
Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.
Donald Trump
If you are going to think anyway, you might as well think big!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy
In this article:
Articles by Brian Tracy
Review of his book Million Dollar Habits
Review of his audio program Make A Million
Background information
About Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy is a recognised teacher and motivational speaker both International and in America. He gives sales trainings and business coaching to many people worldwide. He is famous for teaching people how to become millionaires.
He says that if you do what successful people do, you will get the same results. It is not a matter of luck, and what successful people do; anyone can do.
He says that most millionaires started of broke and built their fortunes from nothing.
According to him there are 7 million millionaires in the world today and this number is rapidly increasing. In America alone, there was at the turn of the last century, (1900) about 5000 millionaires. This number has increased 1000 times and was at the turn of this century (2000) 5 million millionaires.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Home based business ideas
Home based business ideas
If you are looking for home based business ideas and advice on how to get started, you might want to consider the options below.
There are many ways to start with a home based business and there are many opportunities to do different work online. There will both be mentioned opportunities that does require you to have your own website, and opportunities where you do not need a website.
There are a few scams out there to watch out for, but there are many good legitimate opportunities that........
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Develop a Prosperity Consciousness
Develop a Prosperity Consciousness
In this article Brian Tracy talks about the importance of developing a prosperity consciousness. He says that it is the starting point of all riches and that you need to develop this before you will be able to achieve prosperity in real life. He also introduces The Law of Expectation which says that all you expect eventually will happen. On the end he gives practical tips on how to develop a prosperity consciousness.
The starting point of all riches is the development of a prosperity consciousness. You must become a financial success in your thinking long before you achieve it in your reality.
Both poverty and riches are the result of a state of mind, and the most important single step you ever take on the road to wealth and financial independence is the decision to change your thinking, to impress into your mind an unshakable belief that you can and will achieve your financial goals. This must happen before............
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Think like a Millionaire
Think like a Millionaire
In this article Brian Tracy explains the difference between extremely successful people and un-successful people. He gives advice on how develop the two most important abilities of millionaires; the ability to delay gratification and the ability to think in a long term perspective. He gives a step by step plan on how to become a millianaire.
The most important attitude for financial success is long-term thinking. Successful people think a long way into the future and they adjust their daily behaviours to assure they achieve their long-term goals. In a longitudinal study done at Harvard University in the 50s and 60s, they studied the reasons for upward socio-economic mobility. They were looking for factors that would predict whether or not an individual or family was going to move upward and be wealthier.......
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Increasing Your Earning Potential
Increasing Your Earning Potential
In this article Brian Tracy points out the importance of continuously improving your skills and knowledge since this is the most important factors in your earning potential.
He says that skills and knowledge in any field is doubling every 3 to 5 years, and that you need to do the same just to stay even. He introduces The Law of Three which says that you have to bring in 3 dollars of income for every 1 dollar you receive in salary from your company. On the end of the article he gives practical tips on how to increase your earning potential.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Greatness Held Hostage
Greatness Held Hostage CD by Mike Litman
The "Greatness held hostage" CD is fantastic. I love listening to this CD; it gives an energy boost immediately. Mike Litman is a great motivator and is full of passion when he is sharing everything he has learned from all the great people he has met and interviewed. He is the bestselling author of the book; Conversations with Millionaires.
The main goal with the Free Mike Litman CD is to motivate you to change. He gives many practical tips on the CD, and is over and over saying; "Grab a pen and paper, write this down"
It is a very fast pace CD and if you are low on energy this CD will most likely inspire you to move. This is unless you are blocked or lazy, and want to sit and wait for things to happen to you. The sentence that was burned into my mind after listening to the CD was: "You don't have to get it right; you just have to get it going!"
If you sign up to get this free CD you will also get a downloadable version of the book; Conversations With Millionaires.
You also get another bonus and that is a downloadable interview with the famous Coach and Mentor Jim Rohn. If you have not heard of him before I can tell you as much as he was the mentor of Anthony Robbins and has over 40 years of experience in coaching.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Brian Tracy Audio Program Review
Brian Tracy Audio Program Review
Review of Brian Tracy's Make a Million! CD.
Brian Tracy is a recognised teacher both Internationally and in America. He gives sales trainings and business coaching to many people worldwide. On this CD he explains how anyone who wants can become a millionaire.
He says that most millionaires started of broke and built their fortunes from nothing.
He shortly talks about his background from labouring jobs, via straight commission sales, to becoming an entrepreneur and building his own business. This is very inspiring and gives a good perspective on how much effort one has to put in to become financially independent.
According to him there are 7 million millionaires in the world today and this number is rapidly increasing. In America alone, there was at the turn of the last century, (1900) about 5000 millionaires. This number has increased 1000 times and was at the turn of this century (2000) 5 million millionaires.
Brian Tracy claims that the largest part of these millionaires are self made, and that the skills, systems and strategies they have can be learned by anyone. 74% of these millionaires are entrepreneurs, 10% are well paid employees (executives etc.), 10% are self employed (Doctors, Lawyers etc.), 5% are sales people, and 1% are others (rock stars, actors,authors etc). He outlines the....
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Motivational Audio Program Reviews
Motivational Audio Program Reviews
In this article you will find reviews of different motivational audio programs. Currently there are only two reviews, but this section will continue to grow. I am a fan of audio programs myself and I have been using them a lot. A few years back I started to listen to self-help tapes and it was a great help.
You can use your time more effectively if you listen to audio programs. A great example is the time you spend in your car, or the time you are using to do simple tasks in your job. If you have the kind of work where you can let the radio on with music all day, you could consider playing a motivational or educational program instead.
The average person spends between 500 to 1000 hours in their car each year, which is the equivalent of 3 to 6 months of 40-hour work weeks. If you would use some of this time to educate yourself, you will have a great advantage in gaining financial freedom.
You get audio programs in different forms; MP3's, CD's and tapes. Personally my favorite is MP3's because they are instantly accessible. CD's and tapes needs to shipped, so that adds to the cost and takes time. But if you like to get CD's, the two CD's reviewed here you can get for free, as long as you pay the Shipping and Handling costs.
Friday, May 05, 2006
RSS explained What is RSS?
RSS explained - What is RSS?
In this article you will get RSS explained in a really simple way.
You have probably seen the orange RSS or XML buttons on different sites, and wondered what they are for.
RSS means "Really Simple Syndication". That probably says nothing to you, but don't worry. RSS is just a very simple way of letting website owners or others who are publishing RSS feeds communicate with you.
It is simpler than email, because you do not have to go to your inbox and open your mail. Your RSS reader gets the message, when I have made new pages or updates, and you can choose if you want to read them or not.
What your advantage is as an end user is that you are totally in control of the feeds you are subscribing to.
Spam is eliminated because .........
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Free ebooks
Free ebooks
Read motivational classics and wealth and success ebooks completely free of charge and without any strings attached. These books have helped and inspired many and if you take the time to read you will understand that their wisdom is timeless and as valid now as when they were written.
The list of free ebooks is long and will keep on expanding. If you would like to stay update on new books that are added to this page, make sure you sign up for the newsletter.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
The little money bible
The little money bible by Stuart Wilde
The book by Stuart Wilde called "The little money bible" is a short little book, who gives you the essence of the money philosophy and teachings of Stuart Wilde. He has a lot of passion for the subject of money and he is controversial and untraditional.
I was participating in a seminar with him and I found the way he talks straight forward and humorous. He is also quite provoking, so if you have certain set ideas around money,his books will definitely shake these ideas up. He encourages people to be brave and not to conform to the Tick/Tack society.
Having made and lost a fortune, and made one again, he is someone who knows what he is talking about. The Little Money Bible covers the 10 laws of money and Abundance. It is a spiritual, psychological and practical book which.......
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Darel Rutherford
Darel Rutherford
"Success is the completion of anything intended". Darel Rutherford
The Money Solutions Workbook by Darel Rutherford
I am using a very good workbook that is a course in financial freedom guaranteed. It is made by Darel Rutherford, and is called "The Money Solutions Workbook". The book contains the essence of what you need to know about creating wealth. The book contains a lot of practical exercises and is easy to read.
Darel Rutherford is a self-made millionaire who was not born rich, and has succeeded using the principles and exercises he is teaching.
Here is the story of Darel Rutherford,
Monday, May 01, 2006
Multiple Streams of Income
Multiple Streams of Income by Robert Allen
The book "Multiple streams of income" gives you a detailed overview of how to develop financial freedom.
Robert Allen is an expert in the field, and is a millionaire mentor who has helped thousands of people to develope financial freedom.
He is the author of the two best selling financial freedom books ever.
No1 is"Nothing Down" a guide on how to buy real estate with little or no money down.
No2 is "The One minute Millionaire" where him and co-author Mark Victor Hansen shows you how to develope financial freedom by making that little extra effort they call "The Millionaire Minute".
The book I am covering here is called "Multiple streams of income" and will take you trough a range of subjects concerning.......
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