Affirmation is a powerful tool that you can use to change your life. It is a statement that you are repeating over and over again until it becomes a part of your truth.
The positive affirmation becomes more powerful when it is stated with a feeling behind it. It is not enough to repeat it like a parrot or on automatic. The best way of repeating your positive affirmation is to first bring yourself into a relaxed state of mind before you start.
A simple technique is to sit down in a chair, relax your breathing, and close your eyes.
Then, start to focus on your own breath by breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. When you breathe in, follow the breath all the way down in your belly, feeling that your belly expands.
Then, breathe out through your mouth. To go deeper into relaxation, open your mouth and ....
The underlying belief system
By Oyvind Hennum
Many of us do not consider the underlying belief system about money to be of any importance. You think it does not matter because what matters is what you do now--right at one level but not complete.
All ideas that we have learned about money in the past are coloring our actions today. These are ideas that you are unconsciously following because you are not aware of them.
It may be: "money is bad," "there is never enough money," "money does not grow on trees," etc. The list is long and painful to read when you realize that this is actually a part of you.
I was thinking: How come these beliefs are so strong? Why am I .....
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Personal financial freedom
If you like to achieve financial freedom, but also like to spend money without having to worry you will benefit from this article.
When we are planning to achieve personal financial freedom there are a few simple strategies that need to be followed.
1 Make a full overview over your income and expenses
2 Make a budget of how to spend your income
3 Follow that budget and spend less then you earn
4 Stop all impulsive buying (Only make purchases you have planned)
5 Postpone major buying decisions
6 Save a set sum of money every time you receive a pay check
7 Pay off debts, pay off the most expensive first
8 Create additional income streams
There are numerous ways you can build your personal financial freedom but these are some basics that everyone will benefit from.
To go a bit deeper into the different points mentioned above, please
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Consider yourself first when it comes to saving money. Get yourself
turned on to the idea that your financial future will be prosperous as
a result of your efforts.
Set aside 10% of your income, just for you. By that I mean set them
aside on a savings account with higher interest rate then your normal
What is important is that the money is out of reach. If you save them
on an account where you have easy access, you will more easily spend
them. Get them out of your life! Not in your pocket!
You can also be well off saving in funds. Pick safe funds when you
pick, do not go for high risk investment funds or you might end up
resenting your saving plan.
Read the full article here:Saving Money
Personal financial planning is important if you want to achieve financial freedom.
The basic idea with the financial planning for financial freedom is to make sure that you are building up funds and assets that eventually will pay for all your expenses.
When you have reached that point you have financial freedom per definition.
The planning is a way of trying to get there as smoothly and quickly as possible without having to sacrifice all ‘The good things in life’ during the process.
Everyone knows that it is good to have saved some money if there are unexpected things happening, but there are only a few who does something about it.
Why? Because most people think they can’t. They think it is to difficult, they don’t have enough money, they have to pay of their debt first or any other reason you can think of.
If you want to read the full article, click here
Learn financial planning
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