Financial Freedom Made Simple Blog

Financial freedom, personal finance, motivational and business books. Financial Freedom

Sunday, April 30, 2006


Review of Think and Grow Rich

Review of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
70 years after the book "Think and Grow Rich" was written, it is still a highly respected and read book. It has sold millions of copies and is a 'bible' for people who are searching financial freedom. The essence of the book is Napoleon Hill's famous statement: "Everything your mind can conceive, you can achieve"
The title says the same, in different words: Think and Grow Rich
The book goes through 'The thirteen steps to riches' according to Napoleon Hill.
The whole book has a underlying tone of  'You can do it!' mentality to motivate you.
The book offers a lot of questionnaires and practical exercises in addition to all the text. It gives you clear ......
To read the rest of the review and get a free pdf version of the book, go here: Free Think and Grow Rich

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Conversations With Millionaires

Conversations With Millionaires
Mike Litman has made the extra ordinary book, "Conversations with Millionaires". Extraordinary because it is a collection of personal interviews Mike Litman has made with 9 famous millionaires. In these interviews they all share the best of their knowledge and wisdom. And the practical steps they have made to become millionaires.
Conversations with Millionaires is packed full of information on how to succeed in life and how to reach financial freedom.
And if you are dreaming of starting your own business, I have a good advice: READ THIS BOOK!
It will definitely make you more motivated, focused and wiser.
Here are the 9 interviews:
To read the full review, go here: Review of Conversations With Millionaires

Friday, April 28, 2006


TRUMP: How to Get Rich

TRUMP: How to Get Rich
In How to get rich Donald Trump shares his experience from business life in a short, sharp and to the point style. The book is an easy read with about 250 pages in the pocketbook format.
Donald Trump gives us all his best knowledge and tips from real estate, which is his main business, but also gives us his knowledge from his other ventures like the Miss Universe contest, his golf clubs and casinos, and from the reality TV-show The Apprentice.
The most breathtaking chapter in How to Get Rich is the one we get to follow Trump with his 24/7 schedule for one week "at work".
After reading this I understand how he is able to run the Trump organisation with 20 000 employees, take care of all his buildings, hotels, casinos, golf courses, and new construction sites, along side being the star of The apprentice and running the Miss Universe Contest, and incredibly enough have time to play golf.
Another part of the book describes the crisis he was .........
Read the full review here: Review of TRUMP: How to get rich

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Rich Dad Poor Dad

Rich Dad Poor Dad
Rich Dad Poor Dad gives you the basic education about money that you should have received in school.
Robert Kiyosaki teaches in the simplest way possible about the differences of assets and liabilities and how a balance sheet works.
He also teaches the basics of real estate and investing.
The book is very educational and fun to read because he tells it like a story and it is definitely not like reading a book in school.
He explains financial concepts in a way full of life and excitement by replacing the numbers with pictures and metaphors.
In the start of the book he tells the story of his two dads. The one was his real dad which was highly educated and the one he calls his "Poor Dad". The other was his best friend's dad, which was an entrepreneur with very little school education. He was the on he calls his "Rich Dad".

He learned from both but he is sharing the ......
Read the full review here: Review of Rich Dad Poor Dad

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Cracking the Millionaire Code

Cracking the Millionaire Code
Review of Cracking the Millionaire Code
Cracking the millionaire code is an enlightening book that gives a totally new perspective on wealth and wealth creation.
Robert Allen and Mark Victor Hansen has come up with a new system to 'crack the code' which takes traditional business thinking up to a higher level.
They make a radical difference by bringing spirituality into the picture, and lift the whole idea of wealth creation into something very positive. They also bring in a new concept they call "Give and Give" instead of the traditional "Give and Take", which is the common in business. "Give and Give" is the opposite of  "Take and Take" which is the dark and greedy way of money making that nobody likes.
These guys teach something else, and what makes me buy their ideas is that they teach from their own experience.
The system of cracking the code is revolutionary, and they draw up.....
Read the full review here: Review of Cracking the Millionaire Code

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


The One Minute Millionaire

The One Minute Millionaire

In The One Minute Millionaire Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen gives a practical and simple explanation on how to use the 'millionaire minute'.

They define the 'millionaire minute' as a discipline the rich are using to gain and grow their wealth. It involves simple, practical everyday money skills, and they define 7 important skills that wealthy people are good at.
The good thing is that you do not have to be wealthy already; you can start to practice and develop these skills just where you are right now.
There are many good points in the book and one of them is the possibility to earn an extra million in a lifetime on saving a dollar a day.
If you have read my review of "Cracking the Millionaire Code" by the same authors, and you are wondering if the books contain the same information, I can assure you that they are different.
The One Minute Millionaire is ....
Read the full review here: Review of The One Minute Millionaire

Monday, April 24, 2006


Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy

Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy
In the beginning of the book Million Dollar Habits, Brian Tracy says that if you do what successful people do, you will eventually get the same results.
It is not a matter of luck, and what successful people do; anyone can do. He explains that the main difference between successful people and unsuccessful people are their habits.
And again, these million dollar habits can be learned.
He gives a clear 7 step formula of how to create a new habit. The step by step plan to create the Million Dollar Habits is not complicated, but needs a bit of self discipline. He says that a new positive habit can be learned in as short time as 14 to 21 days!
This is very encouraging, but he makes sure the reader understand that it takes .....
Read the full review here: Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Financial Book Reviews

Financial Book Reviews
In this section you will find book reviews of financial freedom books and other learning material that will be very helpful on your Quest towards financial freedom.
The teachers and authors which are reviewed here are also well known to most of the people who are interested in motivational literature.
All of them are internationally recognized and famous in their own fields.
There are reviews of  books, audio-books, and e-books. Soon to come are reviews on DVD's and e-classes and courses.
The free book reviews contain background information and links to find out more about the authors.
The list of book reviews is here: Financial Book Reviews

Saturday, April 22, 2006


Psychological test

Psychological test
These tests are simple and fun, and can be a great help in taking inventory of your self.
There are personality tests and entrepreneur and success tests. Test your financial iq.
Taking one of these tests can reveal skills and abilities that you where not aware of. Maybe you have what it takes without knowing it!
No matter if the rating is high or low; take these results as indicators of where you are at. If your result is low, do not think that you can not make it because you are not scoring high.
You can make it as well as anyone else; just have to motivate yourself to learn.
Successful people see all mistakes as learning opportunities and not mistakes.
"Temporary defeat is not the same as permanent failure!"
Napoleon Hill
To take one of the many tests, go here: Psychological test

Friday, April 21, 2006


The Feelings Behind

The Feelings Behind
By Oyvind Hennum
To make your emotional awareness grow will benefit you a lot.
People who have a very mental attitude toward everything in their lives will be perceived as just that--very mental.
It is not an attitude that invites happiness and good fortune in your life. People who are working only from the head can often seem very distant and cold. You need to involve emotions in your life.
That will also invite more people into your life, more people mean more energy, and that is a sign that you are able to handle more energy.
You can see your ability to be around people as an advantage in your life because people also represent opportunities for friendship, love, and business and work relationships.
Friendship is the key here because your friends give you support and make you feel that you belong somewhere, even if your new business idea may not be an immediate success.
Being emotionally aware makes it that much easier to approach you, and it makes you generally open toward people. By being emotionally aware, I mean that you are aware how you are feeling. People who live most of their lives from the head are not.
Feelings are usually a.....
Read more here: The Feelings Behind

Thursday, April 20, 2006


The Dynamics of Competitive Mentality

The Dynamics of Competitive Mentality
By Oyvind Hennum
Life is not a competition. Not at all. Life itself is abundant and rich and overflowing.
Take a look at a tree full of ripe fruits or a field full of grain. Just by looking at it, it makes you feel rich and abundant. And you feel that there is more than enough for everybody.
But usually, the abundant mentality stops there.
Many of us were born and raised with a strong belief system that says that there is never enough of what we need or want.
For many, this is also more than a belief--it is a fact of life. There is not enough food, not enough money, not enough love, etc. You learn to think that if you don't make sure to take your part, someone else will take it.
That is where you start to believe that life is a competition. You have to be better, stronger, faster, prettier, taller, and skinnier or whatever else you can be more than others.
But the fact is that.......

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Debt Consolidation

Debt Consolidation
Is It Really The Best Option For You?
By Roy Thomsitt
It is a very common question that people pose to themselves across the English speaking world: should I consolidate my outstanding debt? There is no single answer to this question, as no two people have identical finances and other personal circumstances. There are also other factors that come into play that can affect the right or wrong of your decision.
In deciding whether to opt for debt consolidation you should take into account the following:
Financial Savings
Being able to save money is, or should be, an important factor in deciding whether to take out a debt consolidation loan. Typically, people who are considering consolidation will have multiple debts which include one or more with high interest rates. This particularly happens when loans are....
Read more here: Debt Consolidation

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Home Equity Line of Credit

Home Equity Line of Credit
Types of Home Equity Loans
By Joseph Kenny
Home equity loans are a way of using the money that you've invested in your mortgage by borrowing against it.
Essentially, a home equity loan is a 'second mortgage' - a loan secured by your property. If you don't make good on your payments, the lending company or bank can force the sale of your house to recover their money.
There are two major types of home equity loans - home equity loans and home equity lines of credit, also called HELOCs. Most lenders that offer home equity loans offer both kinds. A home equity loan for $10,000 and a home equity line of credit for $10,000 are two completely different animals though they have a lot of similar features.
Home Equity Loan
If you apply for and are granted a home equity loan for $10,000 at 7% APR for 15 years, you will receive a check or a deposit to your bank account of $10,000. That is the full amount of the loan that you can ever draw on that particular application. Depending on the terms agreed upon, you may have one to several months before you have to begin repaying the loan. You'll pay a fixed amount every month until the full amount of the loan and the interest charge is paid off. You'll know from the very start how much you'll be repaying.
Home Equity Line of Credit
A home equity line of credit - a HELOC - is much more like a credit card. When you apply for and are granted a home equity line of credit, the bank establishes a 'line of credit' - which functions just the way that a 'credit limit' does on your credit card. You may receive special checks or a plastic card with which to access your line of credit - but .....

Monday, April 17, 2006


Student Loan Consolidation

Student Loan Consolidation
By Terje Ellingsen
Student loan consolidation is one of the most used methods for reducing and working off student debt. If you want to consolidate debt, whether it's a student loan debt or not, you have to follow a certain process. However, this process is easy to follow and will absolutely not require big efforts from your side.
Here is what you have to know about the consolidation process: You combine all of your various student loans into one large loan. Instead of paying toward all your loans each month, you make one payment towards this one loan. So, what will I gain with this, you may ask. If you compare the numbers before and after you have consolidated your student debt, you'll understand that it's a very good deal.
To start out the working career with an overwhelming amount of debt is a daunting prospect to put it mildly. But the fact is that many college graduates unfortunately are facing this situation. Fortunately consolidating your student loans is a great way to meet the challenge of ......
Read the full article here: Student Loan Consolidation

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Mortgage Glossary

Mortgage Glossary
Do you find it difficult to understand all the different terms that is used when paople are talking about loans and mortgages?
If so, do not think you are the only one. Many people feel inferior and incompetent because they do not understand what the banks or finance companies are telling them.
Many times the terms of agreement are written in so small letters and in such a difficult language that normal people do not understand.
But do not let this fool you, this is done on purpose and is a well known strategy to get you to sign on something you do not know the full consequences of.
This article can help you become a bit wiser, read more here: Mortgage Glossary

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Debt Consolidation Articles

Debt Consolidation Articles
If you follow the link below you will find a few selected articles on debt consolidation, loans and mortgages.
All of them are top quality, but still simple to understand.
They are written to give normal people like you and me more understanding of something that usually seems a bit complicated.
Here is a great explanation from my favorite encyclopedia, Wikipedia:
"Debt consolidation entails taking out one loan to pay off many others."
This is often done to secure a lower interest rate, secure a fixed interest rate or for the convenience of servicing only one loan.
Debt consolidation can simply be from a number of unsecured loans into another unsecured loan, but more often it involves a secured loan against an asset that serves as collateral, which is most commonly a house. In this case a mortgage is secured against the house.
The collateralization of the loan allows a lower interest rate than without it, because by collateralizing, the asset owner agrees to allow the forced sale (foreclosure) of the asset in order to pay back the loan. The risk to the lender is reduced so the interest rate offered is lower.
Read all the debt consolidation, loan and mortgage articles here: Debt consolidation articles

Friday, April 14, 2006


Credit Card Capers

Credit Card Capers
This book tells you everything that the banks and credit card issuers does not want you to know.
After a short introduction to the history of credit, dating over 3000 years back, the author goes on to explain what to look out for when choosing a credit card.
The book deals with the terms of use of credit cards, how to avoid charges and how to choose the right card.
The information in the book is broken down in small and easy understandable chapters that anyone can read.
It is meant to enlighten consumers like you and me, and it explains in simple words the.....
Read more about this fantastic book here: Credit Card Capers

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Financial plan into action

Financial plan into action

Making the plan and getting the overview over your current financial situation is not enough. You need to put the plan into action and follow it up and evaluate it as you go along.
Many things can influence the plan after it has been put into action. Maybe your job situation changes, maybe the overall economic situation changes in your country, like higher interest rates. Maybe the oil and gas price keeps changing.
Maybe you divorce or marry. Maybe your investments suddenly loose all their value!
You can not plan for all of these things, and if you could your life probably would be extremely boring. It is a bit of the beauty that life changes.
You need to be able to change your plan accordingly, so you can still achieve your goals.
Remember that all your efforts in the direction of financial freedom are going to benefit you. Unless you invest all your savings in some crazy pyramid scheme instead of in mutual funds.
You need to learn to be smart, and that means....

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Financial Plan

Financial Plan

You will need to make a clear plan of how to get where you want to. The financial plan needs to be broken down into realistic achievable goals with a clear deadline.
The plan needs to include how much you are currently using to pay off debts, how much you are currently using to cover all living expenses and how much you are currently saving.
When you have that clear you need to look at where you are going to cut costs.
What can you live without?
Do you subscribe to magazines or newspapers you do not need?
Do you have memberships you do not need?
Is your rent or mortgage very expensive?
Are you spending a lot of money on driving where you do not need to go?
Do you rather eat out then cook yourself?
Do you pay too much for electricity, telephone, Internet connection and TV?
Do you have the best credit card, insurance, rent or mortgage and bank account deals you can get?

The meaning of these questionins is .....
Read more here: Financial Plan

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Financial Goals

Financial Goals

You will need to make a list of goals of what you would like to achieve with your financial planning.
The best is to write down the financial goals in a list of priorities that are the most important to you, and what is absolutely necessary. This can be goals like paying for education, medical expenses, paying of expensive credit card debts and so on.
These are all important things that will back fire on you if you let them lapse.
Secondary goals would be paying of mortgages and car loans and other debt that is less expensive then consumer debts.
Then you should make a list of your personal goals, everything that you are dreaming of and wish for. Like having longer holidays, buying a new car, playing golf or whatever.
The personal motivation for short term goals are often many times stronger then saving for retirement many years ahead. Saving for retirement is what most people are talking about, but ....
Read more here: Financial Goals

Monday, April 10, 2006


Financial inventory

Financial inventory

Taking inventory of your financial situation.
The first step on the way to financial freedom is to take inventory of your current situation. This is important because you need to know where you are at to be able to make a plan of where you are going to go.
Taking an inventory means getting a detailed overview.
It is not complicated and do not have to have fancy equipment or special programs. Start by doing it simple. You will need to write down everything you owe and everything you own.
1 Writing down all your assets
2 Writing down all your liabilities
3 Calculating your net worth
4 Writing down your income
5 Writing down expenses
6 Calculating your net income

If you would like an easy way to do this, use ...
To read the whole article, go here: Financial Inventory

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Financial Planning

Financial Planning

Personal financial planning is important if you want to achieve financial freedom.

The basic idea with the financial planning for financial freedom is to make sure that you are building up funds and assets that eventually will pay for all your expenses.
When you have reached that point you have financial freedom per definition.
The planning is a way of trying to get there as smoothly and quickly as possible without having to sacrifice all 'The good things in life' during the process.
Everyone knows that it is good to have saved some money if there are unexpected things happening, but there are only ....
Read the whole article here: Personal Financial Planning

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Budgeting Tips

Budgeting Tips

To make and follow a budget is a pretty simple task. You need to keep track of all your expenses for at least a month, to get an overview of where your money is spent.
It is important that you keep all receipts for everything you buy, even if it is very small expenses. If you don't get a receipt, write down the amount you spent and keep it for when you do the accounting at the end of the month.
All paid bills and receipts should go in a file where you separate them into different categories.
On the end of the first month you can see what you expenses are and compare with your income. Then you see what category of expenses you can cut down and save money on.
By doing this you can see where your biggest expenses are, and this can be an enlightening experience. Maybe you are spending a lot of money
Read the full article here: Budgeting Tips

Friday, April 07, 2006


Financial IQ Club

Financial IQ Club

The aim of the Financial IQ Club is to help its members raise their financial IQ. Becoming a member is very simple and very affordable.

In fact, you decide the price of your lifetime membership your self!
The membership has many advantages and bonuses that you will not find anywhere else.
All of this is included in the membership:
To see what is included in the membership, go here: Financial IQ Club

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Positive Affirmations

Positive Affirmations
By Oyvind Hennum
Affirmation is a powerful tool that you can use to change your life. It is a statement that you are repeating over and over again until it becomes a part of your truth.
The positive affirmation becomes more powerful when it is stated with a feeling behind it. It is not enough to repeat it like a parrot or on automatic. The best way of repeating your positive affirmation is to first bring yourself into a relaxed state of mind before you start.
A simple technique is to sit down in a chair, relax your breathing, and close your eyes.
Then, start to focus on your own breath by breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. When you breathe in, follow the breath all the way down in your belly, feeling that your belly expands.
Then, breathe out through your mouth. To go deeper into relaxation, open your mouth and ....
To read the full article go here: Positive Affirmations

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


The underlying belief system

The underlying belief system
By Oyvind Hennum
Many of us do not consider the underlying belief system about money to be of any importance. You think it does not matter because what matters is what you do now--right at one level but not complete.
All ideas that we have learned about money in the past are coloring our actions today. These are ideas that you are unconsciously following because you are not aware of them.
It may be: "money is bad," "there is never enough money," "money does not grow on trees," etc. The list is long and painful to read when you realize that this is actually a part of you.
I was thinking: How come these beliefs are so strong? Why am I .....
To read the full article go here: The underlying belief system

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Personal financial freedom

If you like to achieve financial freedom, but also like to spend money without having to worry you will benefit from this article.

When we are planning to achieve personal financial freedom there are a few simple strategies that need to be followed.

1 Make a full overview over your income and expenses

2 Make a budget of how to spend your income

3 Follow that budget and spend less then you earn

4 Stop all impulsive buying (Only make purchases you have planned)

5 Postpone major buying decisions

6 Save a set sum of money every time you receive a pay check

7 Pay off debts, pay off the most expensive first

8 Create additional income streams
There are numerous ways you can build your personal financial freedom but these are some basics that everyone will benefit from.
To go a bit deeper into the different points mentioned above, please
Read the rest of the article here: Personal Financial Freedom

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Saving money

Consider yourself first when it comes to saving money. Get yourself
turned on to the idea that your financial future will be prosperous as
a result of your efforts.

Set aside 10% of your income, just for you. By that I mean set them
aside on a savings account with higher interest rate then your normal

What is important is that the money is out of reach. If you save them

on an account where you have easy access, you will more easily spend
them. Get them out of your life! Not in your pocket!
You can also be well off saving in funds. Pick safe funds when you
pick, do not go for high risk investment funds or you might end up
resenting your saving plan.

Read the full article here:Saving Money


Personal financial planning

Personal financial planning is important if you want to achieve financial freedom.

The basic idea with the financial planning for financial freedom is to make sure that you are building up funds and assets that eventually will pay for all your expenses.

When you have reached that point you have financial freedom per definition.

The planning is a way of trying to get there as smoothly and quickly as possible without having to sacrifice all ‘The good things in life’ during the process.

Everyone knows that it is good to have saved some money if there are unexpected things happening, but there are only a few who does something about it.

Why? Because most people think they can’t. They think it is to difficult, they don’t have enough money, they have to pay of their debt first or any other reason you can think of.

If you want to read the full article, click here

Learn financial planning


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